GREENCO member gave a lecture at the nZEB training centre

The Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar has established the National nZEB Training Centre, where professionals are trained and prepared for the challenges of renovating the building stock. As part of the online learning module 3, "Advanced Materials Utilisation"," Ivana Carević from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb gave a lecture on "The Impact of Material Types on the Environment". The lecture took place on 20 October 2023 at the nZEB training centre. Examples of the application of life cycle analysis (LCA) were presented, e.g. for strategic planning and development of companies as well as for decision-making at national and/or regional level. Special attention was given to construction and demolition waste, regulations and the application of LCA tools in waste management decision making. The GREENCO project was also presented, demonstrating the potential of educational programmes for the application of environmental impact assessment tools.


GREENCO kick-off meeting held in Istria 


Member of GREENCO took part in the PromoArh