Inspirational talk by Zvonimir Dadić as part of the GREENCO project

As part of the GREENCO project, a lecture on "Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Illuminating ESG Initiatives" was given by Dr Zvonimir Dadić on 3 April 2024 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb. The lecture was attended by PhD students and students of the Green Building Master course as well as professors from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and professors from the Construction Technical School in Zagreb (GTS).

Dr Zvonimir Dadić has been working as a software developer at Locus Technologies since 2021. Through his work on the Locus platform, he has helped global companies successfully monitor, analyse and report on large amounts of real-time data. He holds a PhD from the University of Splt, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, where he worked as an assistant professor until 2022.

Locus Technologies, a pioneer in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, focuses on ESG reporting and auditing, water quality, health compliance, safety and sustainability. Founded in 1997 in Silicon Valley, one of the company's best-known products is the Locus platform, which enables companies to efficiently manage their operations within environmental, social and governance parameters.

During the presentation, Dr Zvonimir Dadić emphasised the importance of ESG reporting and its role in showcasing companies' authentic ESG initiatives. Using concrete examples and real production data, the participants were given an insight into how the Locus platform enables companies to effectively manage their ESG activities.

Companies using the Locus platform include the Honolulu Board of Water Supply for regular reporting on drinking water quality, bacteria and water turbidity, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for analysing data on solid waste recycling and lead and asbestos control, Alaskan Railroads for incident tracking (OSHA reporting) and Recology for hazardous waste tracking.

The lecture was particularly relevant for doctoral students, as the speaker himself has a doctoral degree and subsequently found a position in a company where he works in innovation development. GREENCO has set itself the task of inspiring doctoral students in the Faculty of Civil Engineering to follow similar paths in innovation.


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